Melanie Martinez Wiki
You are reading the page dedicated to a group of characters featured in K-12. You may have been wanting to read about "Nurse's Office" or the Cry Baby character.

Nurses are characters created by Melanie Martinez. They appear throughout K-12. They are staff hired by the school to control the students and their behaviors by the use of hallucinogenic or mind controlling medication.


The Nurses are always seen wearing pastel purple nurse uniforms with light purple fabric collars that wrap around their necks and pointed shoulder ridges. They also have curly red-ginger hair and are usually seen having a menacing or grumpy look on their faces.


They are first shown in "Nurse's Office" where they are trying to kill Cry Baby and Angelita, with the help of school staff, but all of them are ended up getting killed by Lilith. They are later shown trying to stop the students from killing The Principal during "Drama Club". In the scene where Angelita gets her period, Cry Baby steals a tampon from one of the nurses, which was also on her period. The last time where nurses are seen is during "Detention" where they inject students including Cry Baby with needles to make them study. They are not seen afterwards.


