Holly is a character created by Melanie Martinez for her film, K-12. She is portrayed by Laurka Lanczki. She is a student at K-12 Sleepaway School and a member of Kelly's posse.
Holly was a friend of Kelly and is part of her posse. She first appears in "Wheels on the Bus" sitting beside Lucy. She mocks Cry Baby along with the rest of the bus. She is later shown again in "Class Fight" in Cry Baby’s classroom, working on her assignment. During recess, Lucy is seen whispering to Kelly’s posse after witnessing Cry Baby talking to Brandon. Kelly soon realizes and the rest of the clique push their way to get to Cry Baby. Holly and the rest hold Angelita back as Kelly beats up Cry Baby before she uses her powers.
Holly appears again in "Drama Club" as one of the audience members. After being free from the principal's spell, she attempts to kill him along with many other students. Later, she appears again in "Lunchbox Friends" and tries to persuade Cry Baby to join the clique but to no avail. When a food fight breaks out, she and some of the members hide under the table. It’s revealed in "Orange Juice" that she and other members may have caused Fleur to develop an eating disorder. The food fight later settles down and Holly resumes sitting at the clique's table.
In "Recess", she and the rest of the posse abandon Kelly. She is forced by Leo to dance but later escapes with her friends.
Holly’s hair varies from braids to pigtails. She wears a blonde wig in Lunchbox Friends.
She wears a pink dress (the school's uniform) during the movie and changes into a floral dress during "Recess".