Melanie Martinez Wiki
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"Go on Away" is a song by Melanie Martinez. It was uploaded to her YouTube channel in 2009, but the video was later taken down.

Official versions[]

Through the YouTube database, the original upload date and length were able to be retrieved.

Version Associated project Leak date Producer(s) Creation date Length
"Go on away- original." None May 2, 2009 (upload date) Melanie Martinez 2009 3:27




ve YouTube originals
Known songs AloneBirthing AddictsBlack and BlueCurly CueEmpty LifeGo on AwayHey AliceI Don't KnowI Think I'm CrazyNormalcy Will Never Be AchievedSmokeStory of an InsomniacViolent DiseaseWicked Words (with Jared Dylan)
ve Take Me to the Moon
Featured tracks I Think I'm CrazyCurly CueBirthing AddictsSmokeThe OneMilky WayAloneOh CarouselI Love My Ride
Scrapped tracks Black and BlueEmpty LifeGo on AwayHey AliceI Don't KnowNormalcy Will Never Be AchievedStory of an InsomniacViolent Disease
Producer(s) Melanie Martinez