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Ghosts are supernatural entities that are believed to be the disembodied spirits or souls of deceased humans. They are often described as translucent or ethereal apparitions that are invisible to the naked eye but may manifest themselves in various ways, such as through sounds, smells, or physical sensations.




This a temporary state of being for an empath immediately after their death and before they are reborn. Ghost-empaths are both able to communicate directly with living beings and manifest their presence by interacting with the physical environment around them. This state is a transitional period for the empath, as they prepare to be reborn into a new physical body. Once their time as a ghost-empath is complete, they may move on to their next life, carrying with them the lessons and wisdom they have gained from their previous experiences. It is worth noting that ghost-empaths have been displayed to be able to manifest their empathic abilities without the need for a physical anchor.

Powers & Abilities[]

Enhanced Senses[]

Ghosts can hear conversations from distances away, as the Ghost Girl was able to hear Cry Baby voicing her guilt.


This is the ability to take oneself somewhere without occupying any space in between. Ghost Girl demonstrates this when she teleports to Crybaby in the bathrooms.


The inability to be touched or to make physical contact with objects. This is seen when the Ghost Girl walks through the walls behind Crybaby and Angelita. Being intangible seems to be chosen by ghosts in the Crybaby universe, as the ghosts in the Drama Club prelude could hold each other's hands as they danced, failed to walk through the door after Crybaby and Angelita locked them in, and could be heard banging it.

