Melanie Martinez Wiki

Within reality, an empath is known as a person who is able to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. Melanie Martinez depicts empaths in her work as people with magical abilities, recognizing their "softness" as a superpower. The following is a description of empaths within the Cry Baby Universe and not reality. Most empaths, having a profound understanding of human emotions, often avoid exploiting their abilities for personal gain.

Empaths can be found in all throughout Martinez's work within the Cry Baby universe.

Known empaths[]

Nurse Cry Baby Cashier Angelita Celeste
Nurse Cry Baby Cashier Angelita Celeste
Lilith Magnolia Ben Fleur Miss Victoria
Lilith Magnolia Ben Fleur Miss Victoria



This hybrid is a result of an empath spirit inhabiting the body of a living being. The most notable example is human-empaths, although there have been displayed more species in the past.


A human-empath is the result of an empath spirit inhabiting a human body right as it started developing in the womb. This hybrid looks and acts like an ordinary human, but also possesses heightened sensitivity over emotions and basic magical abilities. Although unconfirmed, this is likely the most common empath species.


In the Cry Baby universe, angels are beings of a higher class who have completed their cycle as an empath, signifying that their spirit has evolved to a higher plane of existence. The concept of angels, or divine beings, is typically associated with the idea of being holy servants and messengers of a supreme being or force that governs the universe and has achieved a state of enlightenment or transcendence through spiritual growth and development. A notable example is Lilith, whose purpose is to direct and protect younger empaths as a spirit guide. Angels are noted to be in their thousands, as stated by Cry Baby in the beginning of K-12.



This a temporary state of being for an empath immediately after their death and before they are reborn. Empath spirits are both able to communicate directly with living beings and manifest their presence by interacting with the physical environment around them, like stereotypical ghosts. This state is a transitional period for the empath, as they prepare to be reborn into a new physical body while in the void, a supernatural limbo. Once their time as a spirit is complete, they may move on to their next life, carrying with them the lessons and wisdom they have gained from their previous experiences. Although empaths do not normally retain memories of their past life, they do while in the spiritual plane. It is worth noting that empath spirits have been displayed to be able to manifest their empathic abilities without the need for a physical anchor.


In the "DEATH" music video, the spirit-empaths are shown to have no legs, just a cord connecting them to their past body.

Passive abilities[]

  • When a human-empath uses their abilities, their eyes become tinted black. This, however, is not always the case.
    Explained by Lilith in "Nurse's Office", empaths are immortal spirits that reincarnate after the death of their vessels. This means that they'll continue to inhabit multiple vessels until the end of time. They head into the void to process their past life before this happens.
    Some empaths like Cry Baby cry an abnormal amount of tears as shown in the music videos of "Cry Baby" and "TUNNEL VISION".

Active abilities[]

Interdimensional transportation[]

Interdimensional transportation is the ability to pull individuals from one universe into another. This ability was shown in the music videos for "Dollhouse", "Mad Hatter", and "TUNNEL VISION" by Cry Baby, Cashier, and Nurse.

Reality manipulation[]

Reality manipulation refers to the ability to alter or control the fabric of existence. This power allows individuals to change the very nature of reality itself, bending the laws of physics and reality to their will. There have been multiple instances where this ability has been used to create solutions for problems that would have been otherwise impossible, or incredibly difficult, to solve.

Physical manipulation[]

Physical manipulation refers to the ability to combine, remove, divide, or substitute oneself or other people's bodies. This power can be done through any body part without feeling any pain.

Size manipulation[]

Size manipulation is the ability that allows individuals to alter their body's physical size at will. This ability could be incredibly versatile, enabling them to shrink down to navigate tight spaces or grow larger to overpower opponents or reach distant objects.


Telekinesis is a supernatural ability that allows individuals to move objects with their mind alone. Through telekinesis, one can manipulate the physical world without any physical contact, using only their mental focus and energy. The extent of this power varies from individual to individual, with some possessing only minor abilities while others possess immense strength and control.


Telepathy is an ability that enables individuals to communicate with others through their minds, bypassing the need for verbal or physical communication. This extraordinary power allows one to perceive thoughts, emotions, and even memories of other individuals, without the use of conventional senses.

Remote viewing[]

Remote viewing is a psychic ability that allows individuals to perceive events, people, or objects from a distance using their mind's eye. One can enter a trance-like state and project their consciousness to a particular location, observing people as if they were physically present.

Levitation and flight[]

Levitation is the kinetic ability that allows individuals to defy gravity and elevate themselves or objects into the air using only their willpower. This power can be used to move objects of varying sizes and weights, from small items to large structures. The extent of this ability varies from individual to individual; although Cry Baby is shown to be able to levitate several people at a time, several other empaths are limited to lifting up only objects. Similarly, Cry Baby's spirit form was seen flying with wings in "DEATH", and not just levitating.


Shapeshifting is a power that allows individuals to alter their physical appearance and transform into different creatures or forms. This power can be used for disguise, evasion, or even combat, making it a valuable tool for those who possess it.


Pyrokinesis is a supernatural ability that enables individuals to create, control, and manipulate fire using only their mind. Through pyrokinesis, one can ignite objects or create flames from thin air, controlling their shape and intensity with their thoughts, and won’t get burned by their own flame.


Hydrokinesis is a supernatural ability that enables individuals to manipulate, control, and shape water through sheer will. Through hydrokinesis, one can create waves, currents, and even solid structures out of water, controlling its movement and shape with their thoughts. It can also be used to generate water out of thin air or the users’ hand.


Disintegration is a supernatural ability that allows individuals to break down matter into its basic components, reducing it to dust or energy. Through disintegration, one can cause objects or living beings to collapse into nothingness, erasing them from existence with a single thought.

Mind control[]

Mind control refers to the ability to exert influence over another living thing's thoughts, actions or behaviors. This can be done through psychological manipulation or hypnosis, though Empaths tend to use it as a weaponized form of telepathy. While mind controlled by an Empath, some people’s eyes go all-white.

Mind control negation[]

Mind control negation refers to the ability to resist or counteract attempts to manipulate one's thoughts or actions. This power allows an individual to maintain control over their own mind and free will, even in the face of external influences. Mind control negation can take many forms, from mental fortitude and discipline to specific psychic or magical abilities. Those who possess this power are often able to resist mind control techniques such as hypnosis, telepathy, and mind-altering drugs.

Liquid manipulation[]

Liquid Manipulation refers to the ability to manipulate, create, and shape water molecules. This power allows individuals to alter the physical properties of a liquid, allowing them to shift it to the liquid of their choice.


Teleportation is the ability that involves the instantaneous transport of an object or person from one location to another, which bypasses traditional physical travel.


Materialization is the ability to generate entirely new things using the user’s mind only. These things tend to vary depending on what the user wants, and can be portals, physical objects, and presumably new clothing. This may explain how Cry Baby altered her uniform and how Angelita created a sweater to cover her lower half so nobody knew she had leaked period blood into her dress.

Astral projection[]

Astral projection is the ability to project one's consciousness outside of the body. Empaths can travel to mystical realms, as seen immediately after the "Strawberry Shortcake" sequence when Cry Baby travels to a mystical realm to contact Lilith. Under certain circumstances, empaths can be blocked from the afterlife completely, be it through being denied access to a physical portal or travel to an afterlife dimension.

Ocular Illumination[]

Ocular Illumination is the ability to possess eyes that glow. Cry Baby is seen having glowing eyes in the "TUNNEL VISION" video game, along with her four dancers.

Light Absorption[]

Light Absorption is the ability for someone to absorb light or its wavelengths into their body in order to gain an advantage, enhancement, or as a source of power. This is shown in "LIGHT SHOWER" where Cry Baby, in her snail form, consumes a ball of light in order to transform back into their regular form.


Electrokinesis is the ability to control, create and destroy electrical power of all kinds. Referenced in "DEATH", Cry Baby describes flickering the lights to give a message to her loved ones on Earth. This is currently the only ability that has been shown to be accessible by a ghost of an empath, without it having to inhabit a new body. This power was also shown on "Soap" music video.


Chromokinesis is the ability to pyschically change and manipulate the color of any matter, affecting its tint, light, hue, or saturation. In "Mad Hatter", Cry Baby is shown changing the roses' appearance from white to red followed by the other Rushton Dolls.



  • "TUNNEL VISION" music video showcases the most abilities and powers any empath has, with a total of 12.
  • The first ability/power shown in the Cry Baby universe was the interdimensional transportation.
  • In The Trilogy Tour, it is confirmed that most of the known empaths are dead, except for the nurse, Lilith, Miss Victoria and the cashier.