Could somebody make a page for the new snippet anyways? Maybe the staff will be more accepting to it since it’s not tagged like Purpose and Mess were
Will we make a page for this since 4th Unknown Song and 5th Unknown Song are still up
@Usingyou I’m sorry to hear that happened but don’t really understand what that has to do with my suggestion/the topic at hand. If you guys only want to help out and unify the site, then a poll would be appropriate to make sure that everyone’s opinions are heard and accounted for. Because right now it feels like you guys’ opinions matter more than us regular users’. Again, no hate meant by this but I haven’t seen anybody agree with this rule outside of the staff and it feels really unfair to be locking posts which disagree with it.
They are definitely real along with Mirror Mirror. If everybody believes that these clips are legit then there is no point in deleting
No hate but the majority of users disagrees with this. You should at least stop locking posts and let people voice their opinions. I understand being skeptical about snippets but if the community general consensus is that the clips are real, let the pages stay up. Duck Duck Goose and Guns Out were always fake and were easily debunked immediately after they came out, unlike Purpose or Mess or Mirror Mirror which are definitely real
If you yourself can admit these songs are likely real then they have no reason to be taken down. I think you should do a poll on this and let the community decide on if the song pages stay up or not, it’s the most fair thing to do