Yea not many people also place recognition on this but in Lunchbox Friends, Melanie shades Stella by saying "Wanna be my best friend, then judge me If I smoke a little weed, makes no fucking sense to me"
My friend who has Shadow Puppets studio demo says it reminds them of Zzzz
Stella Rose Saint Clair was definitely gonna be in the movie instead of a mannequin
Also when Globelamp exposed timothy she showed screenshots of Timothy watching the movie K-12 LOL
I agree
A girl tried to get me suspended for bullying her. They later found out it was false, and she lied about me bullying her. Her mentor and her moved schools after that
No, it is tied with "You Love I"
I rlly like them all but i have to pick unhappy meal
Can we talk on discord
Also how should i write math what is the topic
Oh so i should write "math" explicit
Do you want your song "Gold Tears" to be explicit or clean? Sorry I am extremely used to explicit language and I don't wanna use bad words w/o permission
Barely Juice is practically a studio test, Melanie never intended for a release date. The song also is bashing Timothy Heller, I don't think Melanie would want to retract any attention like that, as the incident was now 4 years ago.
I am a songwriter
Melanie Martinez confirmed in the Meet & Greet sections of "Can't Wait Till I'm Out Of K-12" tour that the alleged song 'Naptime' is fake. She said the only produced + recorded the song as an interlude for a supposed radio in the background to the opening of the K-12 film in which Crybaby is spotted eating breakfast. She confirmed she never thought of a title for this song, nor did she ever finish it. She only envisioned it to be a small radio song, and it is only 45 seconds long supposedly. She said she might release it for fun in the future as a stand-alone single, or a song, but till then, unsure
No no no no no sarcasm all jokes aside this is rlly fake
Definitely 'Trophy Wife'
@Kirishimabae1234 It rlly isn't funny theres just like 4 men surrounding a girl and im just leaving u with that after the grainy dancing vid its 4 men and a girl
I saw the video a week ago, it didn't traumatize me, but a lot of people had different opinions. Trust me, I'd rather you not to watch it and do anything else more pleasant