Ik there a water mark but it's what we have for now
Night Mime
Ik there a water mark but it's what we have for now
@DreamerHeart yeah I'm pretty sure Gluestick has one too because it was supposed to be on K12 deluxe with Sophomore
All the photos for the songs that made the album leaked (even just lq) except Wheels On The Bus... I wonder if there one for Fire Drill or other songs like Notebook because they were both scrapped from K12
This is like the actual part of the movie
I don't think Mel would have an attitude like that also they didn't say something like "have a good day"
@Zzzz222people I doubt that I heard they only have like 1 song from mm3
We got 6 studio versions 2 new songs and 1 demo today omg...
I just want Oh, Carousel and Miley Way and other songs from Melanie's unreleased acoustic era😭
Melanie says "I gave him back his gum, I gave him back his 50 cents then I fell in love" I think that's a reference to 99 cent store also Johnny first appears in Soap and Training Wheels then he didn't go the Crybaby's birthday even though she invited him (Pity Party) but Crybaby got mad athim that's why Jump Rope was originally after Pity Party instead of Tag, Your It
I made an unreleased album called Mimes Dancing idk which songs will be in it yet definitely Night Mime tho
Fire Drill was supposed to be the 13th and last Travk on K-12 and the school was supposed to hyrn down but was replaced with Recess because of budget
Also wdbcf
So Class Fight made K12 but not Paper Cut, Eraser or Glue stick...😭
I think in Drowning the line "there's a clock in the kitchen that's counting" is a reference to Dollhouse because in Dollhose there's clock noises and a line "One Day They'll see what goes down in the kitchen" and it could mean that eventually they will see what goes down in the Kitchen also I think this was supposed to be between Dollhouse and Sippy Cup
Jump Rope, Psycho Lovers HQ, Ring Pop final version, Drowning no watermark, Twins no watermark, Silent Says, I Scream solo, Oh Carousel, Milkey Way, Night Mime studio version, Challenges (if that's the real name), Half Hearted Studio Version, Dear Porcupines actual studio version, Gold Diggin Love studio version, Coloring Book, Curly Cue Studio version, Untitled Song from the beginning of K12
Psycho Lovers HQ
La La La La La La La La