32 Votes in Poll
Not trying to be patronising but 11 is pretty young to be knowing about this kind of stuff and getting involved in it, treasure your innocence while you can and please be careful on the internet
You shouldnt have to be dealing with people being hateful but its a difficult situation where the majority of the public dont like Melanie or her fans and will hate on them
Do i think this hate is justified? Not really, i think it’s a better thing to try and explain to fans that Melanie might not be a good person, as a big portion of her fanbase are on the younger side, i dont think its good to be exposing young people to this
At the end of the day, its just music, if you enjoy her music then keep enjoying it
They aren’t timothy “stans/fans”, thats such an immature and kinda gross thing to call people who are in support of a possible rape victim. Some of yall cry babies need to understand that just because you are a fan of melanie’s does not automatically make her innocent, and after all, these allegations have never been disproved. Its best to stay neutral about the entire situation and let them solve it themselves, but bashing on Timothy and people who support her is really disgusting because i doubt yall would do that if it wasnt Melanie who possibly SA’d her
Yeah, she’s never said shes fine with anything being leaked, i think its just something that people made up as an excuse and now is common misinformation
She obviously performed many unreleased songs back before Cry Baby came out, and I think thats the only acceptable circumstance of things getting leaked
Leaking is wrong and illegal whether people wanna admit that or not. It also completely invades artists’ privacy and sometimes can ruin entire projects before they are supposed to come out (like with PORTALS)
I dont actively support leaking of her music or anyones music, but i will listen to them if they do get leaked (as long as it’s not anything from MM4) because listening is not the same as the people that are actively saying “LEAK THIS, LEAK THAT”
It’s weird and honestly i dont understand how you can say you support an artist while going against their wishes and privacy
Hopefully never i choose to ignore that songs existence
I think “Somewhere Between Life and Death” or “Fairytales of a Disturbed Mind” are absolutely sickening album titles
This mid off😭😭
Ariana, SZA, Victoria monét, doja cat, Kali uchis, jazmin bean, poppy, pinkpantheress, Chappell roan
I have a signed traumatic livelihood cd 🪓🪓
People post bullshit on that website + its full of viruses and malicious things so im gonna say no
Definitely not happening ANY time soon, since she doesnt have the funds for it she’s just gonna release music videos for every song
Maybe a portals movie will go down in the works in the next few years but i dont think it’ll ever happen
Deserved but powder deserved more
Imo its just wayyy too childish sounding, in a bad way, it sounds cheaply produced
Crybaby: teddy bear
Its unsettling in a bad way and i just find it boring
K-12: honestly every track before drama club
I dont rlly like the first half of this album but if i had to pick one song it’d be class fight, very filler on the album
After school: field trip
Very unserious song, like whys she rapping about taking a shit on a bridge ????
Portals: spider web
I really hate this song and have not listened to it willingly since release
While she doesn’t appreciate it, she has recognised that fans just wanna hear ”new” music. At the end of the day its just music and shes not gonna come to your house and murder you for it - as long as you dont support the leaking of songs, i think its fine to listen to them, because these two are different things
She’s definitely had the album title and theme for years, i believe in some behind the scenes video of the making of K-12 there was a piece of paper with a 4 eyed creature on it (this was back in like 2018-2019) and she said in the leaked sessions of Puzzles something like “im about to jump in a portal right now”
She started writing and recording ideas for the album as early as 2019 from our knowledge (light shower, womb) and a lot of the songs recorded in 2020 during the After School sessions were most likely intended to be for Portals, since songs like Maze, Chrysalis and Function were reused for other song ideas for the album
I do think she originally wanted to go with a more fairy, pastel, lighter vibe in terms of aesthetics AND production/music which is reflected by the production and lyrics of the unreleased songs, and i believe a draft of the original movie that was planned to be with Portals leaked, and the first track was (presumably the original version of) Void and the ending track was Dragon’s Blood.
I dont think there were enough finished songs to complete an entire album, however some of the leaks were definitely on the draft for the album and definitely influenced her to scrap them. The change in sound is because she started working with CJ Baran, a different producer to all the leaked outtakes, who has a more grungy rock sound. She also probably changed the sound of the album because of the fact some fans would already know how the album is gonna sound, and she wanted it to be a surprise - plus she did the pastel aesthetic for the past 2 albums.
While the leaks were a bad thing and caused her to basically remake the entire album, i think in a way, it was beneficial for Melanie since the album ended up not being what anyone expected. I personally prefer the music she recorded in 2020-2021 for the album but the one we got is pretty good too, my least fav album tho
32 Votes in Poll
Portals is her worst album in my opinion 😭
Spider web and its not even close
34 Votes in Poll