Also if you don't know who Zheani is , you can listen to their songs or you could listen to the collars they have done ( Jazmin and Lil Mariko)
Let's not talk about that incident I was going through a rough time 👀
Also if you don't know who Zheani is , you can listen to their songs or you could listen to the collars they have done ( Jazmin and Lil Mariko)
nd what does any of this have to deal with veggie 👀
Damn I tried to leave and then this happens
Damn what I do༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
@Another Melanie Fan it's already be handled, and it wasn't childish, and you didn't have to say that
Yea ig
I wasnt offended , honestly I thought it funny
Well I feel like ,that if your old enough to have your own phone , and get on the internet , you should able to tell when your being rude , and if you can't then most likely , you don't need to be on the internet
Please just lock this post
And if you know that ppl take offense to what you said , then why would you say it
This has nothing to do with religion
If you are old enough to be on the internet , and to be on fandom and stuff , and you can't tell when your being rude to ppl , the obviously you don't need to be on the internet
Like I said I shouldn't have to tell someone who is capable of being on the internet, when they are being rude or not , your old enough
Also I'm pretty sure when you send comments like this to ppl , your mostly not gonna get a good response , but that is also considered being and "Smart ass" if you want me to be honest
I shouldn't have to, I'm pretty sure ur sure your old enough to tell when your being rude to someone
And you don't have to bully me , it call me names , to be rude , that's not even how it works
No , but you were all up like "well why is she following her huh 😒" , " then why did she put the picture back huh😒" and the 👏 emoji and thas considered , excuse my language , that is considered rude as shit
And I never said you were stupid nor idiotic, so idk where you got that from
I don't know why you act like you weren't the one who started throwing the rude comments😂