I think K-12 is hated on because we all forgot the feeling of how excited we were to watch it and hear it
I think K-12 is hated on because we all forgot the feeling of how excited we were to watch it and hear it
Tristan I'm so happy you're doing this, I think that we need to make pages for songs confirmed by trustworthy sources too
So if you're hoping for Jumprope to leak soon i have some bad news I just found out most of the time Nick Monson songs never leak (idk if this means its super hard to leak or they never leak) so if you're hoping for jump rope don't get your hopes up :(
Hello People, I Know A Few Of You Are Familiar With Mya Moke, Well Theres A Wiki For Her!! If You Wanna Check It Out Heres A Link https://mya-moke-music.fandom.com/wiki/Mya_Moke_Music_Wiki
Imma check my email rq chile
Wait are people making you look bad? Explain Please
You putting the dollhouse ep close to the bottom makes me sad because that ep is a whole bop yall are sleeping on,
Nope! Just Music Videos
My cousin showed me her, my first ever song was Alphabet Boy
I think your wrong she said the ZZZZ snippets arent hers but the germs ones are