AutumnLeaves84·1/6/2020in GeneralFavorite Song From This List?Class FightThe PrincipalShow & TellNurse’s OfficeDrama ClubDetentionVote66 Votes in PollK-12 (album)K-12 (film)Cry Baby (character)Show & TellDetentionClass FightThe Principal (song)Drama ClubShow & Tell/Gallery
AutumnLeaves84·1/6/2020in GeneralClass Fight or Wheels On The Bus?Class FightWheels on the BusVote56 Votes in Poll
AutumnLeaves84·1/6/2020in GeneralLunchbox Friends or Show & Tell?Lunchbox FriendsShow and TellVote64 Votes in PollK-12 (album)K-12 (film)Cry Baby (character)Lunchbox FriendsShow & Tell