Hey guys!
If you happen to come across any rule breaking on the wiki, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE report it to me or any active staff!
I'm here to listen and help out as always!
Thank you💗!
Hey guys!
If you happen to come across any rule breaking on the wiki, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE report it to me or any active staff!
I'm here to listen and help out as always!
Thank you💗!
I think as a fellow person with Borderline Personality Disorder, I think her not being on social media is a great thing. While I do think Timothy made up the allegations in order to seek some sort of revenge on Melanie in the midst of coping with the loss of an intimate friend, I understand Timothy's mindset and the struggles she faces.
When Timothy posted on social media, she constantly faced hate. I think this is the best case scenario for her and to heal her mental health. Living with BPD, you become exceedingly paranoid on people being against you. That is something I suffer with on a daily basis, with no evidence, I can’t imagine what Timothy faces on a daily basis with evidence.
I dont agree with what she did, but I can’t help but feel horrible for her. Melanie's fanbase 100% bullied her and amplified her BPD. I can’t even imagine what went on behind the scenes with her mental health…
I think her leaving social media is for the best, the best for her mental health and her future. I even contemplate leaving social media myself.
Maybe I'm just old but does anybody remember the rumor back in 2015-2016 that Melanie had covered Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on her YouTube channel. It turned out to not be true, but I kind of wish it was real lol
@57Q8 love the pfp btw lol
Thank you all!
@CarlitoBuster2.0 Im alright. Tired from my booster shot but I’m good. Im waiting around for two appointments atm and it’s annoying lol
Hey everyone,
How are we doing today? ☕️💗
Hi everyone :)
Not that anyone really cares. But hello it's been a bit! I have been a tad bit inactive due to mental health reasons. It has gotten a little bit severe to the point where it has overlapped with physical health. I encourage all of you that if you are struggling with mental health issues, please go seek assistance.
I haven't really been on the wiki in the last few weeks and I apologize for that. I have been helping out with decisions behind the scenes though. I have been blocking out literally everything except for a few apps to help me heal. I hope you all are well.
Reminder to take care of yourselves and spread love <3
Oh gosh this person is still around???? I remember my friends dealt with this person over a year ago and then they eventually moved on over to me. I blocked the accounts and the person kept on getting mad so I had to simultaneously block and turn off dms. It was terrifying. Please do not interact or even try to troll. It’s not worth it.
Not making this as an announcement post but I do think those songs are real with the evidence given to me from people. We can create pages for them again if more vocal content does indeed leak but staff decided that so nothing similar to this happens again, we should have the rule up. I think in the long term it will be beneficial to weed out anyone who may lie in the future.
Rules are suggested and created by staff for your benefit, not ours.
I have every reason to had been skeptical, I just want the best for the wiki and I thought it posed as a housecleaning risk. Please think of this from a professional point of view and not a fanbase point of view. Thank you.
I really just wanted to know the validity for pages and housekeeping lmao
Hello everyone!
In order to prevent fake unreleased songs circulating (like Guns Out, Duck Duck Goose, and other infamous honorable mentions), we have decided that the best way to combat this is to implement a new rule that in order to have an unreleased page created, it must have at least 25-seconds of vocal content.
When asking for help yesterday when I was skeptical on two songs' validity, some of us had thought that perhaps it was an AI-generated song. Which is a larger possibility nowadays. I am pretty sure the vast majority of you can understand why there would be skepticism. People have been faking Melanie Martinez unreleased songs years on end for attention.
Also, the 4th Unknown Song will still be on the wiki, as it was there before the rule was implemented.
Semi-unrelated, though I just wanted to remind you all that unreleased songs are really just trivial to an artist, and there's no need to get possessive and angry over skepticism over songs that are not even yours. Even though this is a minority of you, it genuinely makes me disappointed that there are people that are this deeply invested in something that Melanie discourages. Not trying to sound like "one of those fans" by any means, I can't imagine how Melanie herself would feel knowing how aggressive and mean-spirited some of her fanbase can be over songs she didn't want people to even hear in the first place.
Sorry for the mini-rant, it really is a huge issue from a small number of people that breeds toxicity. Thank you to the people who recognize that we are just trying to keep the wiki clean and professional!
Thanks, everyone have a great day!
Has she unfollowed anybody else? She could be just clearing out followers
I listened to the snippets because one of the admins said Purpose sounded fake (like the what sounded a lot like "why do I always spill?" from Soap). Is it possible these are AI generated?
I wouldn’t say that the fandom got less toxic. Though we are 100% making progress:)
@Romkha FANDOM sends out notifications to users who have made contributions within the last 3 months
@Romkha Why can't I wish people a happy new year?
Yeah it was sad. I don't think a lot of people actually recognize that this is actually a professional platform and supposed to be an inherent database for Melanie Martinez. While we 100% encourage the social aspects, people sometimes treat this like an Amino and that can be scary. They're mostly the 11-14 year olds on the site who behave this way, but I think everybody needs to be mindful of their actions on any website in general.
Some people a few months ago (albeit mostly underage) began using this place to flirt and "date". It got so bad there was an underage individual posting themselves shirtless. So we have to do everything in our power to make sure that doesn't happen again....