This fandom is, and always was, extremely toxic. As much as people (mostly on TikTok) try to deny it. And genuinely this feels like a cult at times. With the allegations coming up again after years, this is extremely toxic. Because I’ve seen people quitting the fandom because they don’t want to support a possible 🍇ist and the other crybabies/earthlings/little bows, whatever you call urself. Were like “new gen” or “you were never a fan” and some goes as far as sending death threats, doxxing etc. That is extremely messed up.
And also, yes, I get that it’s hard to even comprehend that Melanie is accused of something like that but some of yall need to realize that she was a different person in 2015 or when Timothy said this happened. Even if she wouldn’t do it now, maybe she would do it back then. And Melanie literally admitted that they did stuff together. Plus, a lot of people are mad at Timothy for having the dates messed up. I’m gonna tell yall on a secret, traumatized people a lot of the times forget the exact dates. It’s like a coping mechanism for a lot of people.
So many people are saying that she was proven innocent, she wasn’t. She was never proven innocent or guilty. We simply don’t know what’s the truth. But come on, I know it’s hard to believe but again, even if there was the slightest chance she’s telling the truth, you should give her some support. Again, it’s not a rule. But believe the victim.
Im not saying to throw away or destroy your merch and sell your tickets to the trilogy tour. Im also not throwing away my merch, and I will keep my tickets. But currently, it’s important to think about the victim and wait for Melanie’s statement.
She could be lying. She could be telling the truth, but as Timothy herself said, only Melanie and her will know what happened that night.
So many of the fans would like Melanie’s feet if she asked them to and that’s just messed up. I’m sorry. Look, Timothy could be lying, I’m not denying that. But even if there was a small chance she would be telling the truth, you should be on her side. Or not ‘should’ as if it’s a rule but, would you wanna ruin an innocent person’s life? If yes, get a therapist.
And I feel like a lot of people forget that in 2017, when those allegations firstly came out, Melanie fans basically bullied Timothy off the internet. We haven’t heard of her for years until now.
Hate on me all you want, I don’t even care at this point. But I needed to say my thoughts about this