Type in Loser.com! #DonaldTrumpisaTramp
Type in Loser.com! #DonaldTrumpisaTramp
The most relatable songs when it comes to the possessed orange are FDT, and The Principal 🌝🔪🍊
I totally did not just go around Trump supporters replying with a list of wrong things "Tronald Dump" has done.. and I totally didn't wait for there replies to prove them wrong again.. and I totally didn't make one so embarrassed they removed their "dump2020" comment.. and I totally didn't find one too lazy to read my comment and saying "uR pORbaAlY rOong".. 🤣
To The Wiki,
You guys are literally GOING AS MAD AS THE MAD HATTER AND THE PRINCIPAL COMBINED! Seriously, why? It's like A Million Men arguing about small things like Cake or something. You guys are spoiling this wiki like it's Milk and Cookies! If this continues, I might just leave this place. Go on. Test Me with all your Bittersweet Tragedy. It's just pissing me off, like when my mom sends me to a Play Date at a time when I don't want to go. Or when you get sent to Detention during a fun thing like Show & Tell. This wiki is like a Carousel right now. I hope it calms down so we can just have some Recess time here. Especially the 8 year old, who is Dead to Me now. They honestly really need to wash their mouth with Soap and drain it down with Orange Juice. The ones that are good and innocent are @Melanie Martinez biggest fan eva , @CarlitoBuster , @Elleriethedinonugget2 , @Milkbread.arts , etc. They can just write this down in their Notebook and tell it to others. Seriously though. It's like everyone who is toxic's Brain & Heart have decided to be like Alphabet Boy. Charli has literally became like that Teddy Bear in Mel's song. We should honestly Pacify Her. The wiki used to be on Training Wheels, not like a Drama Club. Unlike now, in which the mods are never online since maybe they're too busy sipping from their Sippy Cups looking at texts. Some are too busy though, which I fully understand. And don't ever call me or the innocent people a Cry Baby. It's like playing Tag You're It: the person is always too selfish and will never ever share their Dollhouse with anyone else. Or like Mrs. Potato Head. Just stop getting in a fucking Class Fight, everyone! I just hope none of my friends are Lunchbox Friends.....it's like we're a Teacher's Pet. I hope the innocent ones get High School Sweethearts, and live their lives like it's a Field Trip to The Bakery: happy, not sick like the Nurse's Office, and like eating a Gingerbread Man. Now Im'ma leave a little and have a Pity Party while singing the baby song "Wheels on the Bus" and eating Strawberry Shortcake.