On Instagram, someone's story asked "Who was Jazmin's friend who called Melanie a c***?" I searched it up and saw that there was one result which was #antimelaniemartinez. Here are some of the posts and my responses:
"She wrote a song called 'Sch*zo.' How does she still have fans."
Schizo is not offensive in anyway. It's just a metaphor. Have you ever researched metaphors?
"Portraying childhood trauma as an “aesthetic” when you haven’t even experienced it isn’t something that should be supported regardless of how good of a singer you are."
So you are basically saying that pedophilia, being controlled (she experienced dat), and more subjects she talked about in K-12 are "something to not be supported"?
"first of all: what makes neurotypicals 'normals'??? like seriously why are mentally ill people otherized (theres a pretty good bit of..... fetishization in this song too as you can tell from 'the cr*zies they make me feel sane and also thats a slur thanks). also: 'i’m peeling the skin off my face' sounds like dermotillomania but that might be just me."
Crazies is not a slur, you silly. If it was, then it would be bleeped and the song would be explicit. And Mel literally said that this is about accepting yourself, not a mental illness at all!
"Anybody who stands with Melanie martinez and her victim blaming diss track about timothy is a f**king monster."
I honestly think Copy Cat is the diss track, but that song is a BOP. And how dare you call us f**king monsters? Plus, Timothy literally admitted she LIED.
"Yo, anyone who used to like Melanie Martinez's music before it came out that she's a rapist and no longer wants to support her but still wants to listen to similar music check out Billie Eilish I just discovered her and her sound and vibe is similar to Melanie's but better and yeah just give her a listen her music slaps and she's most likely not a rapist."
I like Billie's music, but Mel is not a rapist.
OK, for the people who reached the end, I have a challenge: you have to react to some of the posts. The link: https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/anti+melanie+martinez?sort=top