I've made a YouTube playlist of every crybaby outtake in alphabetical order, if you would like to listen the link is here :)
I've made a YouTube playlist of every crybaby outtake in alphabetical order, if you would like to listen the link is here :)
So heya guys, welcome back to a new post! So I've been listening to some of Mel's unreleased songs, and that made me think, lots of these are underrated, so today, I'm gonna list some underrated unreleased songs! Also this is my opinion, if you aren't happy, just leave. Now that's out of the way, let's begin!
-Half Hearted
This song is b e a u t i f u l. It's so underrated for what? Sure, the studio version probably hasn't got leaked, but it´s just b o o t i f u l. I can't really see this as a studio version though, it´s perfect on piano- xD
-Strawberry Fields Forever
I don't listen to this one much, but this is a m a z i n g. I like the vibe of the song and how it's all pretty and aesthetic sounding.
-Can't Shake You
This may not be Melanie's style, BUT THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. This is one of my favorite unreleased songs still. It's one of the least talked about ones, probably because its acoustic, but I will f i g h t for this song. >:3
-Rough Love
Y E S. Melanie's older music hits real different. Like Birthing Addicts, Dear Porcupines, etc. But this is g r e a t. The instrumental already makes it sound like a deep song, and the lyrics make it deeper, and I l o v e i t.
-Psycho Lovers
I don't listen to this one much, but I really, really, really, ADORE IT. The low quality makes it hit real different. I also like how it sounds like something in water with the background sounds.
-A Thousand Words
I wasn't really a huge fan of this, but when the studio version leaked, I FELL IN L O V E. It´s such a great song. The bridge hits d i f f e r e n t. Did ya'll hear those vocals-? B O O T I F U L.
-Last Chapter
Also know as Never Stayed For Love, ya'll completely left this song in a ditch. It leaked and ya'll were like, o k t h e n. Yes, Melanie may not have sung it, but Neon did an awesome job at it!
Honourable Mentions:
Wicked Words
Birthing Addicts
Gold Diggin Love
And there ya go, there´s some underrated unreleased songs! I hope ya'll enjoyed this post, and I'll cya next time! <3
A lot of people can't seem to find the studio session for the song Rough Love.
I found it! You can watch it here on YouTube.
Enjoy the rest of your day! :)
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