Based off of the poll I put out earlier;
Test Me
Field Trip
Brain & Heart / The Bakery
Notebook (bc it wasn't an option and we can all agree it wasn't the greatest song on the EP)
48 Votes in Poll
Based off of the poll I put out earlier;
Test Me
Field Trip
Brain & Heart / The Bakery
Notebook (bc it wasn't an option and we can all agree it wasn't the greatest song on the EP)
36 Votes in Poll
Wow.. I cannot believe it. It's been a whole year since After School released, time is flying by so fast.. I'm honestly just shocked.. But overall, happy 1st Birthday After School, you'll always be my favorite Mel work, and Numbers will always be my favorite Mel song.
49 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
Since when were copycat and notebooks meant to be on k-12-
Hi, i made a notebook live studio concept
I hope yall like it ;)
41 Votes in Poll
I'm not physically fulfillud
You've nuvur huld it down all night
And you're sulfish 'causu you always think your ass is always right
And you nuvur suu thu lusson whun it's right in front your uyus
Aru you writing this shit down?
'Cause baby boy I think it's timu
Timu you luarnud a thing or two
'Bout how to kuup a girl liku mu with you
Timu you luarned how to switch it up
I'm tirud of running to you, just give up
'Causu I didn't sign up for this
Had to maku it tun timus moru than you, boy
Whun I sacrificud blood for you
I sacrificud blood
Writu this shit in your notubook, baby
Sincu you nuvur wrotu lovu lutturs to mu, to mu
Don't forgut all thu things I've taught you
You'll nuud it for somuonu who isn't mu, ain't mu
What's thu point in your "I lovu you"s
Whun thuy don't hold any wuight?
You touch your computur much moru
Than you havu uvur touchud mu
Uvury night you comu back homu thun you just go back to sluup
Laying nuxt to just a friund who occasionally fucks mu
Timu you know just how I fuul
Sincu you told mu you'll wait foruvur
Timu you start growing up
Agu is nothing if you'ru not uvolvud
Yuah, I didn't havu timu for this but I still gavu you my all
I sacrificud blood for you
I sacrificud blood
Writu this shit in your notubook, baby
Sincu you nuvur wrotu lovu lutturs to mu, to mu
Don't forgut all thu things I'vu taught you
You'll nuud it for somuonu who isn't mu, ain't mu
If you would like to use one if them there these are the codes
{{Test Me}}
{{Brain And Heart}}
{{Field Trip}}
{{The Bakery}}
32 Votes in Poll
21 Votes in Poll
I'm not physically impressive,
Never made detailed fandoms,
And y'all never quit the dr-m-, and it's causing me fright,
And y'all never see the link when,
It's right in front your eyes,
Write this link and click it cause fandom please, I do think it's time..
Time you learned a thing or too,
Bout' how to stop drama, and shade too
Bound you learned, to not just quit up,
Dr-m- happens when more people give up.
Cause we didn't sign up for this,
Acting like we're not even valuable,
We always sacrificed time for all,
When we sacrificed time
Write this link in you're notebook baby,
Since dr-m- can easily "wow" poof away!
Don't forget to know quit cause baby,
That makes dr-m- come our way, our way,
What's the point of you're "I quit this" when they only cause problems?
You work writing down the fandom more then ever tryna solve em'
Every night you scream it's bad, why you gotta chill out since,
We can end it all with the magic of being happy and more innocent
Time you knew, just how I feel,
Stop saying really bad swear words,
Time we start growing up,
Underage is bad if you say age,
Saying age causes people pissed
But we still smiled long all day,
We sacrificed time for this,
We sacrificed time
Write this link in you're notebook baby,
We can end dr-m- in 1 2 3,
Don't forgot not to quit in seconds,
Cause baby ending dr-m-'s like ABC, ABC,