Hi! So I was looking at this page to look at the list of locations where the mvs were made, and I saw that the Cry Baby MV's location was unknown. I did some research thru a reverse image search and found it, its called "The Governor's House at Snug Harbor Cultural Center" in New York. I used the BTS video of the Cry Baby MV and found it was an exact match.
This fandom is, and always was, extremely toxic. As much as people (mostly on TikTok) try to deny it. And genuinely this feels like a cult at times. With the allegations coming up again after years, this is extremely toxic. Because I’ve seen people quitting the fandom because they don’t want to support a possible 🍇ist and the other crybabies/earthlings/little bows, whatever you call urself. Were like “new gen” or “you were never a fan” and some goes as far as sending death threats, doxxing etc. That is extremely messed up.
And also, yes, I get that it’s hard to even comprehend that Melanie is accused of something like that but some of yall need to realize that she was a different person in 2015 or when Timothy said this happened. Even if she wouldn’t do it now, maybe she would do it back then. And Melanie literally admitted that they did stuff together. Plus, a lot of people are mad at Timothy for having the dates messed up. I’m gonna tell yall on a secret, traumatized people a lot of the times forget the exact dates. It’s like a coping mechanism for a lot of people.
So many people are saying that she was proven innocent, she wasn’t. She was never proven innocent or guilty. We simply don’t know what’s the truth. But come on, I know it’s hard to believe but again, even if there was the slightest chance she’s telling the truth, you should give her some support. Again, it’s not a rule. But believe the victim.
Im not saying to throw away or destroy your merch and sell your tickets to the trilogy tour. Im also not throwing away my merch, and I will keep my tickets. But currently, it’s important to think about the victim and wait for Melanie’s statement.
She could be lying. She could be telling the truth, but as Timothy herself said, only Melanie and her will know what happened that night.
So many of the fans would like Melanie’s feet if she asked them to and that’s just messed up. I’m sorry. Look, Timothy could be lying, I’m not denying that. But even if there was a small chance she would be telling the truth, you should be on her side. Or not ‘should’ as if it’s a rule but, would you wanna ruin an innocent person’s life? If yes, get a therapist.
And I feel like a lot of people forget that in 2017, when those allegations firstly came out, Melanie fans basically bullied Timothy off the internet. We haven’t heard of her for years until now.
Hate on me all you want, I don’t even care at this point. But I needed to say my thoughts about this
Ill start!
I often forget about Mrs. Potato Head's existence.. I don't hate the song, I just usually forget that it exists..
I'll start, I choose Teddy Bear. Lots of Crybabies say this is the worst song on Crybaby overall, and I have to disagree. This song is just so dark with a happy beat, that's why I love it.
So this is I guess this is a rant, but I really do wish Melanie was in the Recess scene in K-12. It just feels werid without her, ya know? It doesn't really feel the same. I would love to see her dance in that gown she wore.
I made it released to kinda get yall mad lol, and if you say unreleased, yours will not be counted, If yall listen, I'll make an unreleased one, and please only choose one.
Anyways, I'll start, I choose Numbers!
Hello friends! So this came into my mind so I'm gonna do it now! So today, I'm going to be sharing my favorite unreleased song from each of Mel's works! Now, how I'm gonna do is, I'll use Eraser as an example. Eraser was meant for K-12, so Eraser would be my favorite. So I hope that helps understand, and without further ado, let's begin!
Dollhouse EP- MIstakes & A Thousand Words
Crybaby- Haunted
K-12- Papercut
After School- Lost & Found
And there we have it! I hope you all enjoyed this, and I'll cya next time! <3
Test Me and Numbers carried After School, if you think I'm wrong, you're wrong, cry about it. <3
Field Trip did too, don't worry, <3
Anyone wanna change my mind? Lol
Hello all!
After staff and community consideration, it has been decided that the rule which details all snippets must be at least 25 seconds to have a page has been lifted. Thank you all for your input.
To replace this, we do require that snippets of new songs have intelligible vocal content, usually over 2 words.
30 Votes in Poll
I just want to know.
When was this wiki created?
Are there male people here?
Do they still hate Timothy Heller?
by the way I also want to say that I've been on this wiki for about 9 months and I didn't even show up when it was new.
I've been a fan of Melanie for a year (I think I met her in March).
PS: Yesterday was my birthday
Two points v
Stop reposting shit ab suicide please, not only do these posts cause many arguments but they're also problematic for a wiki about staying up-to-date with Melanie Martinez. Do y'all even recognize what this wiki is ab? And you still act immature af on it- it's disgusting; the type of posts that get reported to me and to the other staff, I cant even describe all of the horrid things y'all post on here.
51 Votes in Poll
Ugh I accidentally clicked a notification wiki fandom sent and my layout is the new layout,IS THERE A WAY TO FIX THIS,ITS SO UGLY,I MISS THE PINK VERSION