Track list-
A thousand words
Arts & Crafts
Birthing Addicts
Coloring book
Cant shake you
Curly cue
Jump rope
Dressed in mistakes
Track list-
A thousand words
Arts & Crafts
Birthing Addicts
Coloring book
Cant shake you
Curly cue
Jump rope
Dressed in mistakes
This is my fanmade album with Melanie's unreleased songs. This album also has a storyline that is mainly about love
1. The One
Crybaby confessed her love to a boy she has a crush on
2. Cooties
Later in that same relationship, the boy found out that Crybaby has spread cooties to him. However, he decided to ignore it
3. Ring Pop
Crybaby and the boy did many wild things together for fun
4. Band Aid
After some time, Crybaby didn't love him as much as before anymore but that boy still loved her so she took advantages of him
5. Can't Shake You
Crybaby is bored of the relationship but she didn't want to break up with him,... just yet
6. Eraser
This song is the aftermath of Ring Pop. Crybaby used to be pure but she did lots of wrong things which make Crybaby lose her innocence
7. Too Close
Crybaby finally decided that she had enough and broke up with that boy
8. A Thousand Words
This song is a direct reference to Too Close.
Crybaby revealed to him that she was bored of him and the relationship the entire time
9. 99 Cent Store
Despite the fact that they're no longer together but she still thought about him sometimes
10. Papercut
Crybaby convinced herself that things could have been worse and went on to find herself a new boy to fall in love with
- Where Do Babies Come From?
- Haunted
- Gold Diggin' Love
So friends, we all know Mel's unreleased songs are highly copyrighted, and half of the time, they get taken down cause Youtube is cruel- :'D But I've noticed some songs don't get affected by this easily, which means you don't have to speed them up or slow them down, so I'm gonna listen them for yall if you every wanna upload these on Youtube or really everywhere! So here's the list:
99 Cent Store
Strawberry Fields Forever
Can't Shake You
Blue Knees
Night Mime
I Scream
Bombs On Monday
Gold Diggin Love
A Thousand Words
Last Chapter
Rocking Horse
And literally any of her acoustic ones-
And there you go! I hope this was helpful for yall! I hope you have a good day/night!
Why hello friends! So I wanted to express this idea for a long while, and now today's the day! So Im going to be remaking the See Me In What I Can't album cause why not? So all I changed was the album cover and removed and added songs! So let's begin! <3
So the album cover would be something like this:
And the only song I removed was Drama Club (The Demo) since it's now featured in K-12. And since I also added some songs, here's the new track list!
1. Haunted
2. Unhappy Meal
3. Half Hearted
4. 99 Cent Store
5. You Love I
6. Strawberry Fields Forever
7. Wicked Words
8. Can't Shake You
9. Blue Knees
10. Night Mime
11. I Scream
12. Bombs On Monday
13. Schizo
And there you have it! Just decided to add Can't Shake You and I Scream! :3 So that's really it for his post, and I hoped you enjoyed, I'll cya next time! <3
Cant Shake You
Dear Porcupines
A Thousand Words
Rocking Horse
99 cent store, any cover, bittersweet tragedy, can’t shake you, dead to me, gold diggin love, half hearted, Intervals, pacify her, recess, the whole take me to the moon ep, the whole unknown 2013 ep,
So heya guys, welcome back to a new post! So I've been listening to some of Mel's unreleased songs, and that made me think, lots of these are underrated, so today, I'm gonna list some underrated unreleased songs! Also this is my opinion, if you aren't happy, just leave. Now that's out of the way, let's begin!
-Half Hearted
This song is b e a u t i f u l. It's so underrated for what? Sure, the studio version probably hasn't got leaked, but it´s just b o o t i f u l. I can't really see this as a studio version though, it´s perfect on piano- xD
-Strawberry Fields Forever
I don't listen to this one much, but this is a m a z i n g. I like the vibe of the song and how it's all pretty and aesthetic sounding.
-Can't Shake You
This may not be Melanie's style, BUT THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. This is one of my favorite unreleased songs still. It's one of the least talked about ones, probably because its acoustic, but I will f i g h t for this song. >:3
-Rough Love
Y E S. Melanie's older music hits real different. Like Birthing Addicts, Dear Porcupines, etc. But this is g r e a t. The instrumental already makes it sound like a deep song, and the lyrics make it deeper, and I l o v e i t.
-Psycho Lovers
I don't listen to this one much, but I really, really, really, ADORE IT. The low quality makes it hit real different. I also like how it sounds like something in water with the background sounds.
-A Thousand Words
I wasn't really a huge fan of this, but when the studio version leaked, I FELL IN L O V E. It´s such a great song. The bridge hits d i f f e r e n t. Did ya'll hear those vocals-? B O O T I F U L.
-Last Chapter
Also know as Never Stayed For Love, ya'll completely left this song in a ditch. It leaked and ya'll were like, o k t h e n. Yes, Melanie may not have sung it, but Neon did an awesome job at it!
Honourable Mentions:
Wicked Words
Birthing Addicts
Gold Diggin Love
And there ya go, there´s some underrated unreleased songs! I hope ya'll enjoyed this post, and I'll cya next time! <3
30 Votes in Poll
Lol, we got another one.
This is a leak of the studio session backing vocals recording for "Can't Shake You"
Basically, it's a backing vocals leak with an overlayed instrumental.
Do you think its real? Should we add it to the wikia??
40 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
Sometimes love burns, sometimes it fades away.
47 Votes in Poll