(Sorry, bad english) We all now A Million Men, from 2013 EP and scrapped from Cry Baby, but, what would be the context of the song if it was featured in cry baby?, what if Sippy Cup and A Million Men were insted of Mrs. Potato Head and Mad Hatter as the last songs, what if at the end of the Sippy Cup, when Cry Baby's Mom kills Cry Baby's Dad, Since Cry Baby's father was the one who worked, the family ran out of money, and therefore, Cry Baby's mother decided to sell Cry Baby to a s3x ring for money, and the album would end with cry baby escaping from the s3x ring, Now, in the song Miss Maggie is mentioned as the sold girl, for that I have three ideas:
1. Miss Maggie would be replaced with Cry Baby
2. Cry Baby was named Miss Maggie in the s3x ring
3. The song would simply tell the story of a different character just like Mrs. Potato Head