Mine was on TikTok Dollhouse and also YT gacha life..
Mine was on TikTok Dollhouse and also YT gacha life..
Mine was from a Jessie Vee video of her breaking down crybaby and the name tag youre it sounded familiar from an animation meme i saw so i looked her up and now im a mega fan
I remember searching for random music until I came across a video of It (the horror movie) with the song Carousel playing in the background. I liked it, looked up the original song, and loved the cover. Then, during that time, Cake and Play Date were trending on TikTok, and I found it strange that those songs were by the same artist I had just discovered. That's when I decided to dive deeper, and here I am lol
Therian TikTok
Probably somewhere on youtube, cant remember what, but i do remember it was something of crybaby
@Melsrebirthcreation OMG SAME (the jessie vee video lol)
it was my first time seeing my friends cousins and we were having a sleepover, and my friends cousin started talking about PORTALS and I was like “What’s Portals?” So then she started playing the album PORTALS. Then I started listening to more of Melanie’s songs and here I am. A Mel fan.
My friend was a fan and slowly started playing her music when we'd hang out and I quickly fell in love💕
I’m a SolarBalls fan (search it up if you wanna know what it is, but basically talking planets)
Someone made a fan animation with Dollhouse, and yeah.
YT Shorts also contributed a lil
But I REALLY started liking her when I found this vid with all her songs from Crybaby (not the deluxe version)
THAT’S when I liked her FOR REAL
What do you think?