Ill start!
I often forget about Mrs. Potato Head's existence.. I don't hate the song, I just usually forget that it exists..
Ill start!
I often forget about Mrs. Potato Head's existence.. I don't hate the song, I just usually forget that it exists..
K-12 sucks, it has boring, repetitive production, and its so predictable. It would’ve flopped if it didn’t have the movie. Crybaby will forever be superior. Also i think mm3 will be better than crybaby and k-12 because the leaked songs are really good, even if most of them are unfinished
And another opinion, people overhype crybaby outtakes way too much, and they kinda suck anyway. After school outtakes are much better in my opinion, and i’m dying to hear candy store
Also i agree with @Adamspretty the lyrics and meanings behind some songs on k-12 are unclear and wouldnt make sense if they didn’t have music vids or the movie, but i feel like songs from AS are easily understandable, not even needing a music video to understand, like numbers etc
@57Q8 I have to say, I love the Crybaby outtakes. Haunted, Mistakes, Cooties, and Schizo are great examples.
@CarlitoBuster2.0 I agree, i think the oldest cry baby outtakes are the best, like haunted, band aid, zzzz etc, but songs like jumprope are awful (ill probably get attacked for saying this) And i think that the fact people are leaking snippets and then not leaking the whole song but keep teasing it is stupid, also people are overhyping them. Especially the mirror mirror song, like it really sounds bad, it sounds like rotten milk but worse
I was dissapointed with Jumprope the first time I heard it, but now it's starting to grow on me a lot more now. And I agree, Haunted is one of the best Crybaby outtakes.
Same kinda, im not a huge fan of it but i dont hate it, its just one of the less good sessions in my opinion. I dont really care about crybaby outtakes, i just want mm3 to come out
@57Q8 I hate to say it, but I'll call you tasteless for not liking Jumprope.
@57Q8 I was sad because it wasn't about kidnapping. xD
What do you think?