Hello, I would like to discuss this, ever since we've got the scrapped photoshoots for k-12 I've been thinking, did Timothy Heller cause this? The point I'm trying to make is that, most of the actors in the movie well.. quit because of the r4*3 allegations...
The Point I'm trying to make is, Melanie had to re-write her whole movie, and it is evendent considering how bad the movie is. Jhonny's actor even quit, melanie had to cut down the time, and make the song's the majority of the movie, because she didn't have the budget to re-write everything, that's also a reason why she didn't scrap Drama Club because youy and me both know that it was intended to get scrapped, but as I was saying **no budget to re-write or re-record songs** mostly because since half of her team quit, she couldnt get new producers. that's probably a reason why songs like glustick and papercuts were stopped mid-demo(s) because of her budget cut, ms heller really fucked this movie up
I hope we get more photoshoots so I can see how many actors quit after the allegations and how the movie might've been, I'm still sitting here wondering what k-12 would be like if jhonny, basic bitch, even beth-anne were still in the movie, so we can have an ACTUAL part 2 to crybaby's story..
What are ur opinions??
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