"Jinx", es una canción inédita de Melanie Martinez, estaba previsto en aparecer en su tercer álbum,PORTALS, sin embargo se descartó.
La canción completa se filtró el 15 de noviembre de 2021. La exportación no oficial del demo se filtró el 25 de febrero de 2023.
La canción parece tratar sobre la experiencia de encontrar el amor y el compañerismo inesperadamente después de sentirse solo y desconectado. La cantante reflexiona sobre sus sentimientos pasados de no amarse a sí mismos e ir al bosque para estar solos. Sin embargo, se toparon con alguien que comparte rasgos similares y sintieron una profunda conexión con él. La frase "Jinx, me debes un refresco" se usa a lo largo de la canción y parece representar una forma divertida y alegre de reconocer la fuerte conexión entre las dos personas. El segundo verso habla de la intimidad física y el placer compartido entre los dos individuos. En general, la canción expresa la alegría y la satisfacción de encontrar a alguien que te comprende y te ama.
[Estrofa 1]
Went to the forest to be alone
And figure out why I felt so lonely
They say the best company's the one you hold
I guess I never really loved me
[Pre-Coro 1]
Maybe it's within the stars
Maybe it was a random
Loneliness within us both
Seemed to work in tandem
Stumble upon your embrace
Same signal, different face
Squishing into the panicked brains
Do you feel the same?
[Coro 1]
Jinx, you owe me a soda
'Cause we got the same palm lines
And the same soft eyes
Yeah, you owe me a soda
Leaning to kiss me at the same time
Say you'll always be mine
You owe me a fucking soda
'Cause you way too fine
It's illegal, it's a crime
Jinx, you owe me a soda (Was it here?)
[Estrofa 2]
Laid all my burdens down
And you did the same with me
Two celestial lovers bound to the city
Never been loved so good
And fucked so good
I know you’re with me
[Pre-Coro 2]
Walked around the cemetery
Said, "Do you wanna lay here with me?"
(That's impressive)
[Coro 2]
Jinx, you owe me a soda
When you touch my thighs
I spread them wide
Yeah, you owe me a soda
When you pull my waist
And you have a taste
You owe me a fucking soda
When we're loving at the same time
And cumming at the same time, mmm-mmm
Jinx, you owe me a
(He's a real boy)
(I would love to do, that's my dream)
(Ah, one day)
[Estrofa 1]
Went to the forest to be alone
And figure out why I felt so lonely
They say the best company's the one you hold
I guess I never really loved me
[Pre-Coro 1]
Maybe it's within the stars
Maybe it was a random
Loneliness within us both
Seemed to work in tandem
Stumble upon your embrace
Same signal, different face
Squishing into the panicked brains
Do you feel the same?
[Coro 1]
Jinx, you owe me a soda
'Cause we get the same palm lines
And the same soft eyes
Yeah, you owe me a soda
Leaning to kiss me at the same time
Say you'll always be mine
You owe me a fucking soda
'Cause you way too fine
It's illegal, it's a crime
Jinx, you owe me a soda
[Estrofa 2]
I laid all my burdens down
And you did the same with me
Two celestial lovers bound to the city
Never been loved so good
And fucked so good
I know you're with me
(I know you're with me)
[Pre-Coro 2]
Walked around the cemetery
Said, "Do you wanna lay here with me?"
A sad tombstone under a willow tree, yeah
Just like the one where we-
(Eh, I did the melody differently when I wrote it)
[Coro 2]
Jinx, you owe me a soda
When you touch my thighs
I spread them wide
Yeah, you owe me a soda
When you pull my waist
And you have a taste
(Ah, I was supposed to write another thing)
You owe me a fucking soda
When we're loving at the same time
And cumming at the same time
(Yeah, there's a lot to freestyle)
(Everything should be different, I feel)
Went to the forest
Versiones oficiales[]
Versión | Proyecto asociado | Fecha de filtración | Productor(es) | Fecha de grabación | Duración |
"jinx v0.1" (Demo) |
PORTALS | 25 de febrero de 2023 | One Love | 2020 a 2021 | 3:13 |
"jinx v1" (Final) |
PORTALS | 15 de noviembre de 2021 | One Love | marzo de 2021 | 3:03 |
- Toda la canción parece sonar como un estilo libre mientras Melanie forma palabras galimatías en algunas partes e intenta crear una melodía concreta bajo el bucle instrumental que la acompaña.
- Se cree que puede haber otro demo producido por Melanie, "Eh, hice la melodía diferente cuando la escribí". No se ha confirmado su existencia.