Wikia Melanie Martinez

"Drowning" es una canción inédita de Melanie Martinez. Estaba previsto en aparecer en su debut álbum de estudio Cry Baby, sin embargo se descarto más tarde.

Varios ediciones de los stems comenzaron a aparecer el 26 de abril de 2021.


Esta canción es un concepto inacabado sin tema concreto, melodía o incluso letra confirmada. Contiene algunos galimatías ya que Melanie estaba probando diferentes melodías para la canción y no tenía muchas letras descifradas, y sus letras ya existentes parecen contar una historia vaya que no tiene mucho sentido.

La canción nunca se escribió completamente y no hay exportaciones oficiales.



You don't wanna let me down, 'cause you don't really feel like drowning
And you can't make a sound, when you're underwater, drowning
Maybe we should warn you now, there's a clock in the kitchen that's counting
We won't let you make a sound, 'cause we don't really feel like drowning


You don't wanna let me down, 'cause you don't really feel like drowning
And you can't make a sound, when you're underwater, drowning
Maybe we should warn you now, there's a clock in the kitchen that's counting
We won't let you make a sound, 'cause we don't really feel like drowning



You don't wanna let me down, 'cause you don't really feel like drowning
And you can't make a sound, when you're underwater drowning
Maybe we should warn you now, there's a clock in the kitchen that's counting
We won't let make you a sound, 'cause we don't really feel like drowning


